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Main | Photographer of the Year - Newspaper | First Place
First Place
Paul Hansen
Dagens Nyheter

Second Place
Damon Winter
The New York Times

Third Place
Dave Weatherwax
The Herald

First Place
Paul Hansen
Dagens Nyheter

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Utøya, November ,13 2011. There is a wet fog over Tyrifjorden. No wind. Elise is on her way back to Utøya. She will show her mother, younger brother Bjørnar, her mothers new husband Rolf Gunnar where she walked, where she pitched her tent, where she played soccer. But also where she stood when the killer arrived. Where she ran when the chaos started. Which window she jumped from, how she stumbled down the rocky slope down towards the pump station. She looks tired. Three months of anxiety and grief has aged her beyond her sixteen years.



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