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Main | Spot News | Second Place

Category: Spot News

First Place
Abd Doumany/Freelance
"Youngest Victims"

Second Place
Peter Dejong/Associated Press
"Panic in Paris"

Third Place
Bassam Khabieh/Reuters
"Children saved from under rubble"

Award of Excellence
Anders Hansson/Freelance

Award of Excellence
Abbas Momani/Freelance
"Boy Detained"

Award of Excellence
Kai Oliver Pfaffenbach/Thomson Reuters
"Jump around with Super-Mario"

Award of Excellence
Andrew Quilty/Oculi for Foreign Policy
"The Man on the Operating Table: Baynazar"


Second Place

"panic in paris"

A man carries two children after panic broke out among mourners who payed their respect at the attack sites at restaurant Le Petit Cambodge (Little Cambodia) and the Carillon Hotel in Paris, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. Panic broke out as the crowd heard someone screaming from another location around the corner. Thousands of French troops deployed around Paris on Sunday and tourist sites stood shuttered in one of the most visited cities on Earth while investigators questioned the relatives of a suspected suicide bomber involved in the country's deadliest violence since World War II.



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