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Main | Photographer of the Year - Newspaper | First Place
First Place
Barbara Davidson
The Los Angeles Times

Second Place
James Oatway
The Sunday Times
(South Africa)

Third Place
Lacy Atkins
San Francisco Chronicle

Award of Excellence
Craig F. Walker
The Denver Post

Award of Excellence
Matt McClain
The Washington Post

First Place
barbara davidson
The Los Angeles Times

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"Corcoran State Prison"

Cedric Scott, 48, was deemed a member of the Black Guerrilla Family more than a decade ago and placed in the SHU. He denies having anything to do with the gang and says he only wound up there because his name appeared on another inmate's list. For years, the primary way to return to the general population was to "debrief" meaning telling law enforcement about gang activity. Scott, who is serving a life sentence for murder, said that was impossible. "How can I debrief something when I'm not even briefed?" he said.



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