POYi entry rules
All entries will be accepted electronically online at the Pictures of the
Year International web site www.poyi.org
• Deadline: All entries must be electronically transferred to POYi
no later than Friday, January 19, 2007 at 11:59 p.m CST.
• Deadlines will be strictly enforced.
• All entries must have been taken or published for the first time
between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2006, except for entries in the
World Understanding Award, which has no time restrictions.
• All entries must be the work of only one person. Team entries are
allowed in only the Editing and Multimedia Divisions.
• An online entry form must be completed for each entry.
• Entries/submissions by more than one photographer or editor must
be sent as separate transfers. Each photographer/editor must submit an entry
form and payment.
• Each photographer or editor may include up to fifteen submissions
to POYi.
A submission consists of:
1) An entry in a single or multiple picture category
2) A Newspaper or Magazine Photographer of the Year portfolio
3) A World Understanding Award or Community Awareness Award entry.
• Entries in multiple picture categories should consist of at least
three, but no more than 12, photographs.
• No written or printed information, such as names, affiliations or
captions, may appear within the image area.
• No masks, borders, backgrounds or other artistic effects are allowed.
• Submit only one image per file.
• Entrants who work for both newspapers and magazines may submit work
in any division of the contest - General, Newspaper or Magazine.
• a single photograph or story may be submitted only once;
• a single photograph should not appear in more than one story;
• General Division photos and stories. (Pictorial, Sports Portfolio
and Story, One Week's Work and Science/Natural History Picture singles and
story categories) may be included in either Newspaper Photographer of the Year
or Magazine Photographer of the Year portfolios.
• If a photographer enters a Photographer of the Year portfolio, all
individual entries (single photos and stories) must be entered in the same
division (newspaper or magazine) as his or her portfolio.
• In summary, a single photograph may appear as:
1) a single entry
2) a part of one picture story and/or a Sports Portfolio and/or One Week's
Work entry
3) a part of a Photographer of the Year Portfolio
4) a part of a World Understanding Award
5) a part of a Community Awareness entry.
• Portions of World Understanding Award entries may not be reentered
as photo stories.
• Judges will not reclassify entries; entrants must edit and place
their work where they think it fits best.
• Entries will not be returned.
• Affiliation - the employer, agency or publisher that should receive
credit in the exhibition, on the Pictures of the Year International web site,
and any potential publication, etc.
• Entry - Single Picture Categories: Each photo - Single Picture Categories:
Each photo submitted counts as one entry. Multiple Picture Categories: Each
story, Sports Portfolio or One Week's Work submission counts as an entry. Photographer
of the Year Portfolios: Each portfolio counts as one entry. Special categories:
Each World Understanding Award and Community Awareness submission counts as
one entry.
• Entry Fee - fee to enter contest plus any additional fees for the
Best Use in Print and Multimedia or Best Book categories.
• Submission - synonymous with entry. Total entries under one name:
• File - a digital image saved as a .jpeg or .PDF.
• Folder - way to group stories and portfolios in a digital media.
Entry Fees
• All entrants must pay an entry fee of U.S. $50 per person.
• Payments will be accepted electronically this year. Instructions
will be provided when the web platform is available to submit entries.
• For the General, Newspaper and Magazine Divisions, a unique entry
form must be submitted for each photographer. For the Editing and Multimedia
Divisions, an entry can include work from any number of people who worked on
the publication.
• An extra $50 is required for:1) Each entry made by newspapers and
magazines in the Best Use of Photographs and Best Use of Multimedia categories.2)
Each book entered in Best Photography Book category.
(Enter information on entry fees for organizations paying for multiple entries)
POYi Coordinator
Send all entries except for books and best use entries electronically at poyi.org.
Only under prior approval and special circumstance will entries be accepted
on CD or DVD through the mail or other courier. If it is anticipated that entries
are unable to be submit electronically, please contact:
The Missouri School of Journalism
109 Lee Hills Hall
Columbia, MO 65211-1370