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Category: Documentary Project of the Year


"Climate change is here"

National Geographic

Erik Wiman, Kenan Habul and Carina Bergfeldt

Photo: Andreas Bardell and Peter Wixtröm

Translator: Katie Dodd Syk
"The coast of the dead"

Erik Wiman, Kenan Habul And Carina Bergfeldt; photography: Andreas Bardell And Peter Wixtröm; translator: Katie Dodd Syk

Red Border Films/Time Magazine
"A Year In Space"

Red Border Films/Time Magazine

Text by Campbell Robertson and Richard Fausset. Video by Alexandra Garcia, Margaret Cheatham Williams and Andrew Blackwell. Produced by Tanner Curtis, Haeyoun Park, Rumsey Taylor, Derek Watkins and Josh Williams. Additional reporting by Katy Reckdahl. Additional production by Ben Laffin.
"10 Years After Katrina"

The New York Times



"The coast of the dead"

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